Thursday, April 7, 2011

College: Up at 5 A.M.

Found out Tuesday night (4/5) that I had a speech to present in 4 hours (4/7). It is just a six minute persuasive speech. I just chose a controversial essay I wrote last year shortened it and made a power point to go along with it. Now here I am 4 hours before class and I am trying to memorize 800 words but not so memorized that I sound like a robot. This is the easy part, see I had to sleep from 1pm to 8pm so had to miss my Calculus class now this would not matter if it weren't for the fact I have two assignments due and will have to teach myself from the book. I figure that will be done right about noon today. The sadder news is that I have like a D in the class and have a quiz the very next day after this so once I am done learning what I missed ill have about 24 hours to try and learn 5 chapters. Lets just say college is more trouble then it is worth sometimes. Anyways now that I have bored you with my problems I will like always leave you with a picture. Wish me luck on the quiz lol.


  1. Man, seems so stressful. Good luck memorizing all those words, haha.

  2. One time I realized the night before at 11pm that I had to do a political cartoon for my history class (it was our project for the quarter). I stayed up until 2am finishing it.

  3. You gotta get a good schedule going bro. I had the same problem my first quarter of college. Actually failed one because I missed a couple assignments. You just gotta know when to relax and know when to study.

  4. lol I memorized my speech all night for like 4 hours and when I got up to give it I delivered a completely different speech was just out of order and all over the place. But, after class I was asking the professor about our next speech and he said I did a good job. I was like what ><
